How does DEUP work?
Unlike the previous green environmental badge, the DEUP is granted by the Traffic Office upon registration or transfer of ownership of a vehicle, and its allocation can therefore be controlled by the government.
What makes DEUP smart?
Vehicle data and up-to-date air pollution information provide the basis for calculating an individual fee that is off-set against the motor vehicle tax. Low-emission cars drive for free, but vehicles with a higher level of emissions are charged a fee which complies with the vehicle’s emission class for entering the zone.
But the possibilities of the DEUP go much further. Vehicle movement profiles can thus be used over longer periods of time for specific traffic policy measures.
The DEUP-App keeps you up to date in real time and offers alternatives
The updated current price for entry into low-emission zones can be seen by drivers right away. Cheaper or more environmentally friendly alternatives are shown in the app and are promoted through cooperation with public transport, parking or car and bike sharing providers.